
この度、糖化ストレス研究会として世界の皆様に糖化ストレスについてより一層ご理解を深めていただくために、雑誌「Glycative Stress Research」を創刊いたしました。今後においても継続的に発刊したいと考えており、お役に立てば幸いに存じます。

さて、長寿化社会を迎えるなか、生命の価値が益々貴重になるとともに、生命科学に対する要望はますます高度化また専門化してきております。近年では、日本やアジア諸国をはじめ2型糖尿病、メタボリックシンドローム、脂質異常症など糖化ストレスが強い生活習慣病が増加しております。還元糖、脂質やアルコール代謝物のアルデヒド基が蛋白と非制御的に反応し、蛋白翻訳後修飾を経て糖化最終生成物(advanced glycation end products: AGEs)の生成と蓄積、蛋白の架橋変性や機能性劣化、細胞内シグナルの活性化や組織障害を惹起が起こることが明らかになっています。生体内ではAGEsのほか、グルコース過剰時のTCAサイクル産物であるフマル酸によるサクシニル化生成物、分解排泄が困難なラセミ化生成物など様々な蛋白恒常性の異常、脂質恒常性の異常、DNA塩基の異常修飾も生じています。生体内におけるこれら生成は身体の退行性変化の要因になることから「糖化ストレス」とよばれています。AGEsをリガンドとする生体内受容体もRAGE(Receptor for AGEs)を含め数種類報告され、その反応機構の究明は今後の課題であります。一方、AGEsの生成抑制成分や分解排泄経路に着目したプロテアソームや酸化蛋白質分解酵素などについても明らかにする必要があります。これらの研究課題解明には、糖化ストレス全体を広い視点からとらえて、各種AGEsや中間体の生成排泄経路の研究、測定法の確立、加齢性変化の研究、創薬、機能性素材の探索について総合的に検討することが極めて重要であると考えます。



January 2014
Yoshikazu Yonei, MD,PhD
Editor in Chief
Journal “Glycative Stress Research”
Glycation Stress Research Center, Doshisha University

Aims and Scope
“Glycative Stress Research” is a free access journal published by the Japanese Society of Glyaction Stress Research. It is aimed at researchers and practitioners covering a wide range of biochemical, genetic and medical fields with particular focus on glycative stress. “Glycative Stress Research” is an independent, scientific, and peer-reviewed journal.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts are received with the understanding that they are unpublished work and not under simultaneous submission to another publication. The copyrights of accepted manuscripts (include the right of Article 28 and 27 of the Copyright Act) become the sole property of the Editorial Board of web journal with the Japanese Society of Glycation Stress Research and may not be published elsewhere without the written consent of them. Manuscripts which contain research methods which conflict with medical ethics will be rejected. It is the authors' responsibility to obtain informed consent from patients before the conduct of a procedure or treatment, and the manuscript should mention that consent was obtained in compliance with Declaration of Helsinki. Clinical trials are highly recommended to be pre-registered. All manuscripts are subject to review by experienced referees competent in the topic area of the paper. Final acceptance is made by the Editorial Board, which reserves its decision as final.

Manuscript Preparation
Manuscripts should be written in English. All manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract of a maximum 250 words. For the title and abstract page, list the names, e-mail address and affiliations of all authors, as well as the name, affiliation, mailing address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail of the corresponding author. Describe grant support, if any. Provide a 2- to 6-word running title/head for the article, and up to 5 keywords. Use appropriate subheadings throughout the body of the text, such as Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Cite tables, figures, and references in numerical order throughout the manuscript.

Tables, figures and illustrations
Tables: Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals (Table 1, 2, etc.) and provided a title. Save each table as a separate file. Do not integrate tables into the text.
Figures and illustrations: Number figures and illustrations in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Provide figure legends on a separate page. Save each figure or illustration as a separate file, preferably in jpg., bmp., .tif or .eps format. Do not insert figures or illustrations into the text document. Delete any information that may help identify patients from illustrations. Submit figures and illustrations as they should appear on publication. No figure or illustration should cover more than 1/4 of one page after printing.

Conflict of Interest Self-Declaration
If the contents of the paper have economic ties with any companies, organizations, or groups, the authors are required to take responsibility for these contents. In such cases, the corresponding author should submit self-declarations of COI status for all authors within one year before manuscript submission via the form on our website to the Web Journal Editorial Board. The COI status will be posted at the end of the text just before the Acknowledgments or References. If no COI status is defined, an expression such as, "The authors have indicated no potential conflict of interest." will be included automatically.
Self-Declaration Word form

Identify references in the text by Arabic numerals. References are included in the total number of pages of the manuscript. The list of references should include only those publications cited in the text. Number references in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Provide the surname of an author followed by initials. Separate authors using a comma. Preferably, if there are more than three authors, cite the first three authors only followed by ‘et al’ Each reference should include the paper title, journal name, volume number, page numbers, and year published. Abbreviate journal names according to the Index Medicus system.

1) Ichihashi M, Yagi M, Nomoto K, et al. Glycation stress and photo-aging in skin. Anti-Aging Medicine. 2011; 8(4):23-29.
2) Rees WDW, Brown CM. Physiology of the stomach and duodenum. Bockus gastroenterology, 5th Ed, Vol 1, Haubrich WS, Schaffner F, eds, WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1995; 582-614.

Manuscripts written in English can be submitted by any of the following methods. Submitted articles will not be returned to the authors.

By e-mail: Send manuscript as an attachment to: info@toukastress.jp

By post: Send one hard copy of the manuscript as well as data files saved on CD-ROM or memory card (state the software and version used) to:

Editorial Board,
Journal “Glycative Stress Research”
Glycation Stress Research Center, Doshisha University
1-3 Tatara Miyakodani, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0394, Japan
TEL/FAX: +81-774-65-6394
e-mail: info@toukastress.jp

Authors will be provided the first proof only for checking. Unless indicated otherwise, proofs are sent to the first author and should be returned urgently, and in any case no later than one week after receipt.

Publication Charges
Charges are free for up to 20 manuscript pages (including 20 tables, figures and illustrations) regarding to the articles from academic institutes. Other articles are appropriately charged. Each additional complete or partial page is charged. Additional tables, figures, and illustrations are charged separately.

Letters to the Editor
Letters expressing opinions regarding articles in “Glycative Stress Research” are welcome. Maximum letter length is 1 page, and no figures or tables should be included. The Editorial Board reserves the final decision on the acceptance of letters for publication. Please note that letters are subject to editorial revision; where done, the essential meaning of the letter will be maintained.

Review Articles
“Glycative Stress Research” publishes review articles which aim to provide a broad overview of a glycative stress, or discuss latest findings in an area of current research interest.

For advice about the suitability of a potential review article for “Glycative Stress Research”, authors should contact the Editor via the Editorial Office (web-journal@anti-aging.gr.jp). Submitted reviews are subject to peer review, and the Editor may request changes, or decide not to proceed with publication.

 “Glycative Stress Research” attracts a wide range of readers, who will not necessarily be specialists in the field of the review article. Authors should therefore provide a brief background to place their review in the broader context of glycative stress as a whole.

The text should not give undue emphasis to the work of the author(s), and should present controversial areas of the topic in a clear and objective way. However, authors need not refrain from being critical, or from concentrating on areas of their personal research interest.

Reviews should not exceed 6,000 words (excluding the abstract and references but including figure and table legends), with a maximum of 10 figures plus tables combined, and about 80 references. The text should be divided into subsections with appropriate headings. All review articles must include an abstract of not more than 250 words.

Editorial Board
Editor in Chief
Yoshikazu YONEI, Doshisha University, Kyoto
Masamitsu ICHIHASHI, Doshisha University, Kyoto
Reiko INAGI, University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Masao JINNO, Womens Clinic Jinno, Tokyo
Yuichi KAJI, University of Tsukuba, Ibaragi
Toshio MOCHIZUKI, West Osaka Hospital, Osaka
Takefumi MORI, Tohoku University, Miyagi
Yuji MORITA, SBI Medical SPA Club, Tokyo
Ryoji NAGAI, Tokai University, Kumamoto
Mitsuru SAITO, Jikei University, Tokyo
Masayuki YAGI, Doshisha University, Kyoto
Yasuhiko YAMAMOTO, Kanazawa University, Ishikawa
